
Okay this week was INSANE! I would maybe even go as far as saying it was the best week of my life so far. Our mission had the wonderful opportunity to hear from Elder Defeo (of the seventy), Elder Johnson (of the 70), Elder L. Whitney Clayton (president of the 70), and Elder M. Russell Ballard (of the 12). Many things were said, and I know ALL those things were said directly to us from Heavenly Father. I could type about this event for hours, but to my dismay I have only about 12 minutes hehe.


the biggest thing I learned/ was reminded of is that miracles do not cease to exist. They happen in the Bible and the Book of Mormon times and they still happen today in our day. In the Bible Dictionary under Miracles it teaches us the pattern of miracles which is: a prayer, a felt need, and faith. Miracles always come through this divine pattern. Miracles don just "happen". When Jesus Christ was serving in His Earthly Ministry he didn’t just accidentally preform a miracle. He knew what He was doing and He expected the miracle to come. We, too, can EXPECT MIRACLES!! Miracles are wrought by faith (faith without works is dead), I have seen it over and over again in missionary work.

Love you all!


Christmas is COMING

We ate cold lasagna on a train, not one of my proudest moments

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