Happy birthday to the best companion Sister Holbrook!

We had tons of fun yesterday!
-I made pannukakku and stuck a homemade candle in it for her
-Visited a less active member
-Ate at Hesburger!
-Followed by a creepy man at the library!
-a member brought us dinner to the church ❤
-ate icecream and hot juice at our investigators house!

Can’t believe another week has passed. It needs to slow down a little bit. The days are getting shorter and shorter and colder and colder. BUT that means Sister Holbrook and I are so much closer to seeing the Northern Lights. We were told by a member that they usually become visible in November or December. Everyone pray that we get to see them! Besides things being colder nothing much has changed. With it being a busy time for students it has been hard to meet with our investigators (because they are all students) BUT that means that we have had more time to talk to people! Yesterday when we were out contacting I told basically everyone we met that it was Sister Holbrook’s birthday and they were SO nice to us after that! I wish it was her birthday everyday!!

Well- that is about all I have the time for. But I will leave you with a scripture that has been on my mind a lot lately.

2 Nephi 22

2 Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also has become my salvation.

3 Therefore, with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.

LOVE YOU ALL! Sisar wilson

​When you realize there is bacon on it

My Pan meeting service project!

oct 20– first snow

We carried this almost overflowing bowl of soup home in a moving vehicle. talent

​Night train!

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