Hyvää Itsenäisyyspäivää!

(Happy Independence Day!)

WOW. Okay. What an amazing week in Lahti.

YESTERDAY WAS A MIRACLE DAY! We had two lessons set up with potential investigators last night. Usually they never show up, which is frustrating. But we really had faith that they would come this time. So we called almost every member in the ward asking if they could come with us to the lessons. After who knows how many calls we finally found 2 members who could come with us!

1st lesson miracle: First of all he came!! Second of all he brought two friends who were also interested to learn! They were all so cool and so interested in learning about the church. It was such a great lesson and they all became new investigators

2nd lesson miracle: The lesson was scheduled at 19:00. It was 19:05 and he was wasn’t there. Ahhhh voi, että. But then he called us and said he was coming but couldn’t find it. But he finally got to the church and he told us he WALKED here. Let it be known it was probably 2 degrees outside and he only had a zip up sweatshirt. Man, he REALLY wanted to learn more if he walked here and this weather. But then we realized that he doesn’t speak very good Finnish, or English and speaks Arabic instead. And it was really hard to teach him. But then, the member that came with us just started speaking Arabic to him. Like who knows Arabic randomly??? She was able to talk to him in Arabic when he didn’t understand it in Finnish. SUCH A BLESSING, SUCH A MIRACLE! Out of all the members in our ward, we had HER come with us last night. We had no idea she knew Arabic. Wow. Amazing. He also became a new investigator. 4 new investigators in 3 hours! MIRACLE.

Just such a great week overall. I could write lots more but unfortunately time does not permit it.

Love to all!

Sisar Wilson

Permanently red faces are the best kind of faces

The sunsets are sure gorgeous here 🙂 even if they are at 3pm

Sometimes you miss your bus and have to walk home in a blizzard.

The Aftermath…

​So a lot of the challenges for the Light the World campaign require you to have social media….. This is our "social media wall"!

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