13 December, 2016 11:11


It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas! I really cannot believe that it is already December??? Wow, by this time next year I will be home! But let’s not talk about that.

Okay so first of all, someone needs to google this for me. Is it possible for the water molecules in the air to freeze?? Because sometimes the air here literally sparkles. But it isn’t snowing. Seriously! The first time I saw it I thought I was going crazy!!! But then my companion saw it too, so maybe we are both crazy. Probably.

We have been uber busy here in Lahti. I don’t know how, but last week we found 6 investigators! Okay I do know how– Defintiely the Lord. He has been helping us so much, even when we don’t even recognize it! Like just the other day, we missed our bus. (It happens a lot) We were pretty bummed because that meant we had to walk to where we were going to get there on time. But then on the way there we talked to this man who was a former investigator! And we got to show him the Christmas video. And now we are trying to set up an appointment with him! One of the biggest things I have learned on my mission is how mindful the Lord is of each and every one of us. He knows us. He will guide us, if we let Him. He has a purpose for everything that happens to us! Wow, it really makes me smile, knowing how much love He has for us.

The email system is being weird so I am going to send this off before something weird happens.

Love to all!

Sisar WIlson

My family is the best family and send Christmas decorations

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